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Read about our work and community impact.
We're looking for compassionate volunteers to assist refugees as they settle into their new lives in our community. Learn more about these opportunities and apply.
We are excited to share more about our JFS Altius Farms culinary mushroom cultivation as the farm expansion to add Farm Box containers is underway.
February is Jewish Disability Awareness, Acceptance, and Inclusion Month (JDAIM), and the hope is to spark awareness and bring change into our everyday lives for those with disabilities in our Jewish community. JDAIM is a time for the Jewish community nationwide to learn, connect, and create programming that expands understanding and inclusion for those with disabilities and their families.
We continued our partnership with 11 older adult facilities to provide Hanukkah celebrations to residents and their families. Bringing happiness, light, and hope to these communities is such an impactful way to show we care for our Jewish friends. We truly appreciate our supporters’ efforts in making these celebrations meaningful!
The Faces of JFS event was the place to be on December 4! Guests celebrated how JFS has been helping individuals and families in need for more than 152 years. We also recognized two incredible individuals who have demonstrated exemplary leadership, philanthropy, and dedication to JFS and our community: Yana Vishnitsky Leadership Award recipient, Dr. Richard Sanders, and Joyce and Kal Zeff Humanitarian Award recipient, Dr. Nancy Reichman.
Whether you gave to our end of year campaign, supported Colorado Gives Day, participated in our Adopt a Family Bright Holidays gift program, or were a Secret Shopper and provided gifts to local individuals and families, we thank you. Your generosity brought joy and light to our community. We are overwhelmed with gratitude for your support and willingness to help those who need us most.
For those dealing with grief, whether it’s recent or not, the holidays can stir up many emotions. Maybe a loss seems heavier, or sadness or loneliness feels overwhelming. Paula Stephens, Abby's Impact: Realizing Resilience Program Coordinator, shares essential advice to help individuals navigate this time of year when they are dealing with grief.
We are excited to introduce our December Volunteer of the Month, Alan Y., who volunteers with our adaptive bike program during the summer months, helping people with disabilities increase mobility, enjoy the benefits of improved physical and mental health, build social connections, work on bike and safety skills and have fun in their community. When not volunteering as an adaptive bike companion, Alan volunteers at JFS Altius Farms and with our Arts and Community Exploration program, helping with honey bottling.
The end of the year can be difficult, from holiday stress and mixed emotions, to dwindling daylight and cold nights. Many of us struggle to be kind to ourselves in the best of times, let alone when we’re facing extra stressors, but learning to be kind to ourselves is one of the best tools for building our resilience and overall wellbeing.
This month, we’re excited to spotlight our JFS Boulder program. We sat down with Melissa Mascareñas, Director of JFS Boulder, to learn about this remarkable team and their work throughout JFS and our communities.