10 tips for coping with grief 
Abby's Impact, Mental Health Counseling Joan Thielen Abby's Impact, Mental Health Counseling Joan Thielen

10 tips for coping with grief 

For those dealing with grief, whether it’s recent or not, the holidays can stir up many emotions. Maybe a loss seems heavier, or sadness or loneliness feels overwhelming. Paula Stephens, Abby's Impact: Realizing Resilience Program Coordinator, shares essential advice to help individuals navigate this time of year when they are dealing with grief. 

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Abby’s Impact: Building your mental health toolbox
Abby's Impact Joan Thielen Abby's Impact Joan Thielen

Abby’s Impact: Building your mental health toolbox

JFS’s Abby’s Impact: Realizing Resilience program is a virtual learner-centered mental health education program that provides a framework for dealing with daily stress and life’s struggles. It offers participants resources and tools to facilitate resilience so they can build their own mental health toolboxes. Learning coping and problem-solving skills is life-changing and critical for well-being. 

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Abby’s Impact: Strengthening participants’ sense of self 
Abby's Impact Joan Thielen Abby's Impact Joan Thielen

Abby’s Impact: Strengthening participants’ sense of self 

For those who believe focusing on themselves is selfish, we need to change that mindset and realize that doing so allows us to be present, build confidence, strengthen our relationships, learn about our values and prioritize them to make the right choices for us. Enter the JFS Abby’s Impact: Realizing Resilience program. This client-centered mental health education program provides a framework for dealing with daily stress and life’s struggles.

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Becoming the best version of yourself 
Abby's Impact Guest User Abby's Impact Guest User

Becoming the best version of yourself 

Neither Chelsea nor her wife came from healthy family environments. They weren’t surrounded by the type of support systems that help shape strong life skills and promote emotional well-being, and they were stuck in a vicious cycle of generational poverty. When the couple came to JFS, their lives changed in the most wonderful of ways.

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