Meet our Boulder Volunteer of the Year 

Rob Fineman and another person at a resaturant.

Congratulations to Rob Fineman, the JFS Boulder 2024 Volunteer of the Year Award recipient! 

Since 2013, Rob has supported the organization with his dedication to the Friendly Visitor program, as a holiday celebrant, and deliverer of holiday baskets, sharing more than 300 hours of his time volunteering. 

At our recent Volunteer Appreciation event, the team shared the following about Rob:  

Rob has been with JFS Boulder longer than any current staff! He’s always been ready and willing to help as much as he can. Not only is he a devoted and deeply caring friendly visitor, but he was also incredibly helpful during the first weeks of the Marshall Fire, when we needed a lot of hands-on deck. Additionally, he’s been a great help at many of our holiday observances at the various older adult residences, where he never hesitates to jump right in to do what’s needed to make our clients happy and comfortable.   

He’s a patient listener, an engaged conversationalist, and a reliable member of the JFS community. Rob has the right stuff, and we are so grateful for all the years of service he has provided to Jewish Family Service. 

Thank you, Rob, for your dedication and willingness to help those who rely on JFS. You truly deserve the JFS Boulder 2024 Volunteer of the Year Award! 


Marshall Fire support opportunities available 


We are accepting clients for our homemaker support services