Joan Thielen Joan Thielen

Lunchbox Express Program Information

We continuously evaluate the evolving challenges of our community and adapt or develop programs that respond to the resulting needs. It’s why, more than 20 years ago, we started our Lunchbox Express program so that children who received free and reduced-fee lunches during the school year had access to healthy lunches during the summer. It’s also why now, after careful consideration, we have decided to sunset the program.

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Joan Thielen Joan Thielen

March Volunteer Spotlight: Refugee Resettlement On-Call Support

JFS’s Yana Vishnitsky Refugee Resettlement Program has over 100 volunteers helping resettle hundreds of refugees and asylum seekers across Colorado. Volunteers play a critical role in setting up housing, transporting families, locating schools, and acclimating newcomers to US culture.

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Joan Thielen Joan Thielen

Golden West residents celebrate long-time JFS volunteers

Evie and Mary Ann have been spearheading programs at Golden West Senior Living for more than 18 months. Evie and Mary Ann organize monthly movie nights, choose films with compelling themes, from documentaries to comedies. They have enjoyed getting to know people, watching films, and hearing everyone’s input during discussions. They worked together with staff and residents to create successful events, arranging the community room’s chairs, serving snacks, and navigating AV systems.

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Joan Thielen Joan Thielen

December Volunteer Spotlight: Community Table Delivery Drivers

The Community Table Lunch Delivery Drivers have the important task of ensuring hot food is delivered to these lunches weekly. This includes picking up the food at Shalom Park, delivering the meals to the JCC, and returning the empty Cambros to Shalom Park.

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Joan Thielen Joan Thielen

September Volunteer Spotlight: Mobile Food Pantry Crew

The JFS Mobile Food & Hygiene Pantry provides food assistance in areas of need for those facing food insecurity. The Mobile Pantry travels to Denver neighborhoods and housing complexes with high percentages of food insecurity and to community and recreation centers to reach those with transportation barriers.

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Joan Thielen Joan Thielen

Rosh Hashanah Services 

We continued our partnership with 9 older adult facilities to provide High Holiday services to residents and their families. We would like to extend a big thank you to all our rabbis, para-chaplains, and volunteers who made this a successful and sweet welcome to the new year. We are making note of volunteers for Chanukah and Passover services, please let us know if you would like us to reach out to you for holiday services in the future.

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