Aging Care and Connections Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer to help older adults maintain an independent lifestyle for as long as possible in the environment of their choosing.

Long Waitlist: Community Table Lunch Companion 

This program partners with the Denver JCC and Shalom Park to enrich the social and emotional well-being of older adults by providing lunch and social engagement. 

Help serve nutritious lunches to older adults who benefit from sharing a community meal with their peers. On Friday, a Shabbat themed meal is served. Volunteers serve meals, set up/clean up meal service, serve coffee, and other assorted tasks. Takes place at the Denver JCC. 

Commitment: Weekly or every other week. Shifts are Tuesdays - Fridays, 11:00am - 1:00pm. A commitment of three months is preferred.  

Additional Requirements: Background check and proof of first two Covid vaccinations. Ages 16 and older to volunteer on your own. Ages 12-15 with an adult. 

Community Table Lunch Delivery Driver 

This program partners with the Denver JCC and Shalom park to enrich the social and emotional well-being of older adults by providing lunch and social engagement. 

Volunteer drivers deliver fresh, hot food to the JFS Community Table lunch program. Pick up warm food from the loading dock at Shalom Park and deliver it to the JCC Perlmutter Room. Return the empty Cambros to Shalom Park.   

Commitment: Weekly or every other week. Shifts are Tuesdays - Fridays from 10:30 – 11:30am. A commitment of at least three months preferred. 

Additional Requirements: Background check, driver’s license, proof of auto insurance and proof of first two Covid vaccinations. Ages 18 and older. Must be able to lift and carry 30 lbs. 

Long Waitlist: Food Box Delivery Driver 

JFS volunteers delivers food to disabled or older adults who are homebound through our Aging Care & Connections Food Delivery program. The program not only provides nutritious food but also reduces the stress of family members, who know their loved ones are getting a brief check-in and high-quality food every month.  

Pick up food boxes and instructions at the JFS Tamarac location. Deliver to 3 or 4 clients’ homes or apartment complexes. In addition, volunteers can also help pack food boxes and bags to prepare them for delivery. 

Commitment: Weekly or every other week. Food delivery shifts are Mondays and Thursdays, 10:45am. - 12:15pm. Food box/bag packing shifts are Mondays and Thursdays 10:00 - 10:45am. A commitment of three months is preferred.  

Additional Requirements: Background check, driver’s license, proof of auto insurance, proof of first two Covid vaccinations. Ages 18 and older to volunteer on your own. Ages 10-17 with an adult. Must be able to lift and carry 20-30 lbs and ascend stairs. 

Friendly Visitor 

Establish a mutually beneficial relationship with an older adult to help decrease loneliness and isolation. Many of our older adults who live in their own homes go days without the phone ringing or seeing another face. You can help break this social isolation by providing companionship to an older adult. With your help we can increase the number of seniors who have a friendly visit. As a volunteer, you will have the satisfaction of knowing you have touched the life of another. Older adults are carefully matched with volunteers who share their interests and values. 

Commitment: Visit once a week or twice a month for 1-2 hours. Visits may be during the week or weekend. Evenings are usually not a good time to visit older adults. A commitment of at least six months preferred. 

Additional Requirements: Background check, driver’s license, proof of auto insurance and proof of first two Covid vaccinations. Ages 18 and older.