Chronic Health Conditions Resources – 2022

JDA Collaborative recognizes that many people with chronic illnesses often feel misunderstood, isolated or alone. To bring more attention to people with a variety of chronic health conditions, including those with long Covid, JDA created a series of resources, as well as a Chronic Health Conditions Support Group.

As the first resource shares, a chronic health condition is defined as a condition that lasts a year or more and requires ongoing medical care or limits activities of daily living or both. Many are invisible diseases.

Chronic Health Conditions Provides a definition of chronic health
conditions, lists several examples, and offers recommendations for how
to support those with chronic health conditions.  

Purim Masking Handout Explains why individuals with disabilities
sometimes mask their symptoms and the effects of doing so. Two
activities and discussion questions probe the ways we all mask at times.   

Passover Haggadah Spoon Theory Insert Describes a strategy used to
explain the limited energy of many with chronic health conditions, and
provides a spoon theory version of Dayeinu, identifying challenges
individuals with chronic conditions may face while reminding us we are
all enough.  

CHC Bookmarks Four different bookmarks explain chronic health
conditions, spoon theory, and the intersection of such conditions
with mental health and lifestyle management. A fifth bookmark offers
ways to support those with chronic health conditions.   

Hanukkah Handout Offers ideas for doing mitzvot for and with those with chronic health conditions as part of the 6th night, often known as Ner Shel Tzedekah.  

Chronic Health Conditions Support Group Flyer Shares information about a Jewish Disabilities Advocates support group for those experiencing misunderstanding, loneliness and/or isolation related to a chronic health condition. 

Two members of our JDA Partner Organizations share their experiences living with chronic health conditions.