Volunteer Spotlight: Molly Bayer

 Molly with her children, Anna (15), Zach (14), and Lily (10).

 Molly with her children, Anna (15), Zach (14), and Lily (10).

Molly Bayer first got involved with Boulder JFS about 14 years ago when her kids were young. Over the years, she has volunteered at older adult communities for the Jewish holidays and has served on Reel Hope Boulder event committees. She also attended a grief group led by a JFS care manager, which she says “was a positive experience and made me feel more connected to the organization.”

About a month ago, Molly called JFS to see how she could help during the pandemic. Mary, our volunteer services coordinator, gave her a list of about 10 older adult clients to call to check in on. The people she’s calling are residents of a subsidized retirement community and, due to COVID-19, are stuck in their rooms feeling isolated and lonely.

“Everyone has been so positive and appreciative when I call,” says Molly. “They are happy to have someone to talk to and share what is happening in their lives. I listen and see if there are ways JFS can help, such as getting iPads to as many folks as possible so they can connect with their families.” She has also helped ensure they get the medical treatment they need by connecting them with JFS staff.

Molly loves what JFS does for our community and says, “It feels good to reach out to a population that is really in need right now.” She hopes to do more to help soon, including joining the Pen Pal Club with her kids.

To learn more about volunteer opportunities, contact Mary Pierce at 720.749.3403.


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