When unexpected things happen, JFS is here to help 

Person talking while someone takes notes on a clipboard.

Abraham has a strong work ethic and leads a healthy lifestyle. When things started to unravel, he found himself in an unfamiliar situation and didn’t know where to turn. Through word of mouth, Abraham learned about JFS Boulder’s programs and services, and once he connected with our team, he found the help he needed. 

But let’s take a step back. 

As the cost of living continues to increase, many people struggle to save extra money to prepare for unexpected situations. And when multiple incidents converge, the possibility of facing an uncertain financial future becomes a reality for far too many. For Abraham, he received a hefty mechanic bill to fix some car problems when he experienced a health scare that led him to the emergency room after feeling lightheaded, weak, and unable to eat. After spending a day receiving care in the hospital, Abraham was not able to function or work while he recovered. 

Abraham’s financial situation was tight. “It was hard for me to ask for help,” shared Abraham. “I am full of pride.” When he reached out to JFS, he received help with rent and utility bills for a few months. “The staff was very helpful, professional, compassionate, understanding, and not judgmental. It was an awesome experience,” said Abraham. 

When asked what he wanted people to know about JFS, Abraham shared, “At the end of the day, there are people out there who care and want to help those in need. The JFS staff are very kind, and I appreciate their efforts.” 

Donate to JFS to help people like Abraham. 


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