How dancing can hold the meaning of "Tzedakah"

Ron Sherman dancing

Ron Sherman, a new JFS board member, enjoys International Folk Dancing and teaching Israeli dance at Washington Park in front of the Antique Boat House on Thursday evenings from 7 to 10 p.m. There is no cost or registration required to participate, and anyone is welcome to join.

The founder, Schukhr 'Sugar' Basanow, has led this dancing for many years and holds the true meaning of "Tzedakah," which is the obligation to do what is right and just for those in need. He was born in Russia and grew up in Yugoslavia. He is of Mongolian descent.  During WWII, even though he was not Jewish, the Nazis considered him to be different, and he was sent to a forced labor camp during the war. During that time, he lost the ability to taste and smell.  After the war, he migrated to Philadelphia and eventually to Denver. Sugar strongly believes that a way to help heal the world is through dance. He says, "People from all backgrounds, religions, etc., come together and appreciate dances from around the world. We are all friends at the sessions."


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