August 2024 Volunteer of the Month

We are excited to introduce our August Volunteer of the Month, Danni L., who volunteers in the Weinberg Food Pantry, helping provide nutritious and culturally relevant food to individuals and families in need.

Multiple staff members nominated Danni sharing:

"Danni is a wonderful volunteer who cares for our clients, is committed to our mission, demonstrates compassion, is flexible, and is always willing to help with what we ask of her, always a team player, takes initiative, and brings a positive attitude every time she volunteers and is willing to learn."

"Danni is here helping several times a week and is always going above and beyond. She is kind to everyone and so welcoming to all of the new clients and volunteers. She is fun to be around and always brings an energy that radiates throughout the pantry. I want to be just like her when I grow up :)"

Read more about Danni's volunteer impact below: 

Q: Tell us about yourself and your background.

DL: I'm a Denver native, third generation, and grew up in southeast Denver. I am retired from a career in the nonprofit sector and higher education having spent the last many decades in nonprofit management and as an adjunct professor. Now I spend my days volunteering, reading, gardening, fishing, kayaking, cooking, and generally just being a bum and enjoying every moment.

Q: What volunteer role(s) do you have with JFS, and what roles have you had with JFS?

DL: Since starting my volunteer position with JFS June of 2023, I have worked exclusively in the Food Pantry. Food insecurity is one of my hot topics.

Q: What motivated you to begin volunteering with JFS, and how long have you been volunteering with JFS?

DL: Volunteering keeps me out of trouble and engaged in useful activities. I've been volunteering with JFS for a little over a year.

Q: What's your favorite part about volunteering with JFS, and how has being a JFS volunteer impacted your life?

DL: Interacting with kids is one of my favorite parts of my volunteering. Kids are our complete and total future, and we're not taking good care of them. (The hunger stats among children is appalling in our country and worldwide.) The second best part is I make it fun.

Q: Do you have a memorable story about your JFS volunteer experience to share? If so, please share below.

DL: Not one specific story but rather the overall feeling I experience when volunteering in the Food Pantry which is a sense of purpose and joy in helping provide access to food for families and individuals.

Q: What would you say to someone considering volunteering with JFS?

DL: Great organization with many terrific programs. My thing is food insecurity, so I'm partial to the Food Pantry.

Q: Anything else you want to share?

DL: I encourage anyone who is wondering what they can do to help make this crazy world a little better to volunteer, extend yourself, and help others. Awesome dividends for you and the organization.

Are you interested in volunteering? Learn more and sign up today.  


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