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Abby’s Impact: Life$avings

Life$avings is a financial literacy program meant to equip survivors of domestic abuse with knowledge, skills, and the support necessary for long-term financial security. In this course, we’ll work on:

  • Establishing a healthy relationship with money

  • Banking basics

  • Managing your money

  • Raising your credit score

  • Establishing financial independence

  • Financial futures for kids (for people with children)

Week 1, December 5: Establishing a Healthy Relationship with Money
Week 2, December 12: Managing your Money
Week 3, December 19: Raising your Credit Score
Week 4, December 26: Financial Independence and Banking Basics

4-week course.

Participants can enroll by contacting Bri LaFlash, Abby’s Impact Program Coordinator, at or 720.647.5388 or by filling out the enrollment form. 

The Introductory Course must be completed before all other courses. Enroll now.

December 4

Abby’s Impact: Peer Support Group

December 6

Career Launchpad: “Respond vs. React”