A seat at the table: enjoying inclusion at our Passover seder 

In partnership with Repair the World and Ohr HaOlam, JFS Jewish Disabilities Advocates (JDA) was thrilled to bring to the community the first Disability Justice Passover Seder on April 26 at Temple Emanuel. 

Embodying the value of freedom that we celebrate each Pesach, our Disability Justice Seder created an open, accessible, and welcoming community space for all. More than 40 people attended in person, and several joined virtually. The JDA Haverim and JFS Best Buddies groups participated, along with individuals with a wide variety of disabilities and disability-affirming community members.  

This disability-friendly seder featured a custom Haggadah and traditional Jewish music. Accessibility accommodations included wheelchair access, visual aids, ASL interpretation, ventilated areas, quiet spaces, and a virtual attendance option with closed captions. 

The event was a true collaborative effort, and we extend our thanks to: 

  • Temple Emanuel for hosting the event with a wonderful, accessible in-person space and technology support for virtual participants. 

  • Rabbi Bobbie Rosenberg of Ohr HaOlam and Temple Sinai for leading the service. 

  • Eitan Kantor, Music Director of the Hebrew Educational Alliance, who led us in joyous music and singing. 

  • Tofer Breüer for providing ASL interpretation for in-person and virtual attendees.  

  • Cohen's Catering for preparing the Passover Seder plates and delicious nosh. 

As one participant commented, the Seder was “beautifully organized and run, with clear accessibility. Great that it existed!” 

We’re looking forward to making our Disability Justice Passover Seder an annual celebration with even more community participation! 

To commemorate the event, Disability Justice Passover Seder guest Susanna Speier created and illustrated the following comic:

The JFS Jewish Disabilities Advocates Collaborative includes 12 organizations across the Denver Metro area working to improve inclusion and belonging for individuals with a broad range of disabilities and their families. JDA Haverim and JFS Best Buddies are groups of adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD) that connect with each other and with the Jewish community.  


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