Lunchbox Express Program Information
We continuously evaluate the evolving challenges of our community and adapt or develop programs that respond to the resulting needs. It’s why, more than 20 years ago, we started our Lunchbox Express program so that children who received free and reduced-fee lunches during the school year had access to healthy lunches during the summer. It’s also why now, after careful consideration, we have decided to sunset the program. We understand this announcement may be met with a wide range of emotions —however we want to assure you our focus remains dedicated to meeting our mission to improve the lives of individuals and families throughout Colorado and we want to explain our decision.
We have come to the realization that there is no longer the need for our Lunchbox Express program in its current format. Being good stewards of our resources means knowing when to say goodbye, but, of course, not at the expense of ensuring children receive nutritious food. Over time, we have seen participation in the Lunchbox Express program decrease, especially a significant decline from 2022 to 2023, and it’s expected to continue. Since the pandemic, and with additional government funding, schools and other community locations, such as recreation centers and libraries, have stepped in to ensure children receive food, and this trend is not just in Denver but across the country.
In addition, Colorado is one of 35 states participating in the 2024 launch of a program that will provide low-income families permanent food assistance for school-aged children during the summer when school is not in session through pre-loaded debit cards to use on groceries. The new program will expand its reach and work alongside other nutrition programs, such as SNAP, WIC, and other community sites.
Our shift in focus means that we will redirect our efforts to other ways to serve our community’s needs and continue to make our programs and services as strong as ever, including our Mobile Food & Hygiene Pantry, which will still travel to food deserts to feed families. We’re excited that two favorite traditions of our Lunchbox Express program, distributing free books and backpacks, will continue through our Mobile Food & Hygiene Pantry, Weinberg Food Pantry, Yana Vishnitsky Refugee Resettlement program, and our youth-based mental health program.
We are so grateful to all of you who have invested time into helping the Lunchbox Express program fill a much-needed gap and ensure children receive food during the summer.