Jewish Family Service

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Introducing our new JFS Boulder director 

In March 2023, Melissa Mascareñas became associate director of JFS Boulder. She brought a calm, professional, organized approach and vision to ensure that JFS Boulder continued to provide exemplary services to our Boulder clients. Melissa has stepped up in every way and has proven herself a strong leader who cares about our staff and the clients we serve. She is collaborative and has formed many internal and external partnerships that contribute to the tremendous impact our JFS Boulder team has on the community. 

We’re excited to announce that Melissa has accepted the position of director at JFS Boulder. As the director, Melissa develops new and relevant programming to meet community needs in Boulder County. She also helps to oversee current, ongoing programs and services. 

Melissa began her work at JFS in 2012 as an intern in the Disability Services department to complete her bachelor's degree in social work from Metropolitan State University. Throughout her journey, Melissa has been a direct service provider, a manager, an associate director, and now, the Director. Melissa has grown with the agency and developed programs and had to close programs during her time with JFS. In her new role, Melissa is excited to expand JFS Boulder services and programs to the broader Boulder County community. “JFS Boulder does so much great work, and there are still so many people in the community who don’t realize everything we do,” shared Melissa. “My goals are to make JFS well known, the provider of choice, secure more partnerships, increase donor contributions, and provide a financially sustainable program for many years to come.” 

Q. What inspires you to work at JFS? 
The amazing work the agency does for the community and for those in need of support. Knowing that we are making a positive impact in someone’s life and putting a smile on their face makes me come to work every day. Although I haven’t gotten to interact directly with clients in my recent roles, the times I do bring home why I continue to do what I do and why I choose to stay with JFS.  

Q. What’s your most valuable career experience? 
The most valuable experience I have gained while working at JFS for the last 12 years (one as an intern) is to take a step back and appreciate the situation someone else is in. Often, we get so caught up in the daily hustle of life that we get irritated when something small does not go as planned. The populations I have worked with in the Disability department and now in the Boulder department have shown me that life has much more to appreciate, and seeing their positive attitudes, perseverance, and resiliency has brought me a new outlook. Listening to their stories of the challenges they have overcome and how they have seen success is inspiring. I have also learned to be patient and assertive all at the same time. Assertiveness has never come easy to me and has been a skill I have worked on throughout my career. I have great respect for the people I work with, and that helps! 

Q. What’s a fun fact most people wouldn’t know about you? 
I come from a very small town. My high school graduating class was one of the biggest with 19 students. I absolutely loved kickboxing for exercise when I had more time for myself.  

Q. What do you like to do when not working? 
I am a single mom of two, and they both keep me busy with a variety of sports they participate in. I am their biggest fan and make their activities a priority. I love going to concerts and spending time with friends when I can fit them in.