Jewish Family Service

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How You Can Actively Volunteer During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Do you want to find ways to volunteer during the COVID-19 pandemic, but aren’t sure how to do so without jeopardizing the health of yourself and others? Fortunately, there are plenty of volunteer opportunities in Denver that are more important now than ever before.

At Jewish Family Service, we offer a variety of volunteer opportunities to fit many interests and skill sets. Keep reading to see our recommendations for ways to start volunteering with us or any other organization in the Denver area today!

Join Local Organizations That Are Doing Important Work

When seeking ways to help during the COVID-19 pandemic, our first recommendation is to think globally – but act locally. There’s no doubt the entire world has been affected by the coronavirus, but the easiest way to make a large impact and stay safe while doing it is to start your efforts in your own community.

Our advice is to speak with your local churches or temples, advocacy centers, and community groups. Keep an eye out for nearby causes and work on being the best neighbor you can be.

If you’re looking for volunteer opportunities in Denver, we have plenty of options available at Jewish Family Service. For example, with our organization, volunteers can:

Our JFS Boulder staff also seeks volunteers to call, video chat, or write letters to isolated older adults; help with holiday celebrations (virtually or by packing and delivering food boxes); and more.

As the pandemic persists, the need for volunteers increases. Reach out to your community to see how you can best support those in need. Although it’s a great idea to support large organizations that are doing global or national work, there’s plenty to do right here in Denver, too!

Give Much-Needed Supplies to Local Organizations

Our second suggestion for budding volunteers is to donate much-needed supplies to organizations in need, such as donation centers, banks, grocery stores, and other essential businesses. Consider giving extra masks or supplies that can benefit the overall health of the community. Many organizations are also in need of:

  • Soap and cleaners

  • Hand sanitizer

  • Alcohol pads

  • Gloves

  • Bandages

  • Hygiene products

  • Diapers and baby supplies such as formula

As long as your unused supplies have not expired and are in good shape, you can likely take them to a nearby donation center. Jewish Family Service is actively collecting donations of hygiene products, diapers, and baby formula.

Don’t have any medical supplies of your own to donate? You can help organizations find medical gear by connecting them with bigger donors such as medical suppliers or former healthcare workers.

The important thing is to remember that even though the pandemic has been going on for nearly a year, there are still many groups and people who need proper protective gear and first-aid supplies. Reach out to groups near you to see where your donations would do the most good.

Help Out with the Mental Health Crisis

Our last suggestion doesn’t require you to do anything other than pick up your phone.

You probably know that COVID-19 has wreaked havoc on the mental health and safety of many people. There’s a reason many experts are predicting we’re heading into a mental health crisis like we haven’t seen in years.

Recent research shared by Kaiser Family Foundation indicates that:

  • More than half of the adults in the United States have reported negative impacts on their mental health due to the virus

  • Feelings of anxiety and fear are increasingly common amongst many age groups

  • Social isolation and loneliness are closely linked to poor mental health

  • Job loss is associated with increased depression, anxiety, distress, and low self-esteem

  • We may see higher rates of substance use and suicide due to the negative impacts of worry/stress over the coronavirus

To help people deal with the chaos and emotional turmoil of this pandemic, many helplines and crisis services have been set up. These organizations need volunteers to help man the phone lines and talk to people who are suffering.

At Jewish Family Service, we’re dedicated to helping people conquer this mental health crisis. Our licensed therapists talk to thousands of people, from all races and religions, every year, and we’re helping more people than ever during this pandemic – adults and children alike.

In Conclusion

As Heather French Henry once said, “Volunteering is at the very core of being a human. No one has made it through life without someone else’s help.”

Many of us feel cooped up and anxious right now, wishing we could do something to improve the circumstances of our world. Fortunately, you can – look into ways you can start volunteering in your community today.

If you’re in Colorado, Jewish Family Service can connect you with volunteer opportunities in Denver and Boulder. This is your chance to make a difference within your own community, and we need help now more than ever. Check out our list of available volunteer opportunities or contact us at to learn more!

You can also check out Spark the Change Colorado or Volunteer Match for a variety of volunteer opportunities throughout the state.

A little bit about Jewish Family Service:

Since 1872, our nonprofit human services agency has been serving Colorado, providing vital services to families and individuals in need. We offer a variety of services that are playing a big role during this pandemic, including counseling, training, job placement, food and financial assistance, and more.

Become a part of our organization by volunteering to serve more than 25,000 people of all races, ages, incomes, faiths, and abilities. We’re working to enhance the lives of those in need right now – and you can help!