Jewish Family Service

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Supporting the Buellers Through Challenging Times

Richard and Barbara Bueller at Reel Hope Boulder

JFS Boulder has supported the Bueller family through several challenges over the past eight years. Sadly, Barbara passed away in December. Because of the longstanding relationship and compassionate care she received, it was Barbara’s wish that all donations in her memory go to JFS.

The relationship began when Richard’s mother, Freida, moved to Boulder from Florida. JFS matched her with a Friendly Visitor volunteer named Dorothy, with whom Freida developed a very warm relationship. Richard says, “It was such a blessing for my mom to have that kind of camaraderie and sense of mishpacha (family). Dorothy poured out her love and shared her life with my mom. She even attended my mom’s funeral three years ago.”

Richard and Barbara never lost touch with JFS. They received care management services when Barbara had medical complications after a surgery and needed assistance. Richard shares, “Jodi (JFS care manager at the time) had so much compassion and was very helpful.” Their paths crossed again last year when Barbara got sick and went to Boulder Community Hospital, where Jodi now works.

Through a generous donor, the Buellers were able to attend some of JFS’s fundraising events, which they loved. Last summer, a JFS volunteer began delivering fresh produce from the Red Wagon Farm each week and often stayed to visit with the couple.

“We felt such love being poured out from JFS and the volunteers, says Richard. “These are very special, dedicated people who generously share their lives with others and care for the people JFS serves. I really appreciate the continuing work JFS does for the community and want to stay connected.”

Did you benefit from a JFS program or service? We’d love to hear from you. Share your story!