Jewish Family Service

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JFS Boulder Responds to Emergency Housing Assistance Needs

In the last two years, JFS Boulder has rapidly responded to the emergency housing assistance needs of Boulder County residents as the pandemic took its toll. From March 2020 to June 2020, we provided $68,000 in emergency assistance, compared to only $3,000 the previous fiscal year (July 2018 to June 2019).

Then in fiscal year 2021, we disbursed more than $137,000 in emergency assistance (primarily rent and mortgage payments), which was an 87% increase from the previous year! Direct service hours increased by 163% and the number of information and referral crisis calls increased 89%.

One recipient of these funds, who has a child with physical and developmental disabilities, shared her gratitude: “Knowing that a chunk of my mortgage was covered last spring gave me the confidence to free up other funds I used to bring in help for a few hours a day, a few days a week to help my son attend virtual school and keep him brain-engaged and active. That meant I was able to focus on other urgent matters and keep our family from becoming overwhelmed. It helped me mitigate the risks associated with an extra-unknowable future.”

Karen Schwartz used her savings to move to Colorado in late 2019 and then lost her job right when the pandemic began. JFS paid three months’ rent while she looked for a job and applied for unemployment benefits. She says, “The reality of not having a job and no way to pay rent is scary, especially when I thought I was at a stable point with my new job and new place to live. JFS has been helpful and easy to work with. Thanks to the rental assistance, I have kept my home and could focus on looking for a job. Words cannot describe how much I appreciate the support.”

Learn more about JFS Boulder’s programs and services.